This village consists of six settlements (or tolas in local parlance) viz Gauri, Gyaspur (near Varuna village), Abdalchak (near Shivchak village) and three settlements of Pundah (consisting two tolas - Deeh and Narayanpur besides a tola called 'Tari Par' near Mahatmain river basin).
Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Varuna for Varuna, the Vedic god of oceans and rivers and keeper of the souls of the drowned.
Varuna |
During the later stage of Vedic era, when Purana, Vedanta and Itihas (Epics Ramayana and Maha Bharath) literatures emerged the importance of the basic nature elements Agni, Varuna, Vayu and Indra in the literature decreased.
The devas’ who were the personification of the basic natural elements, Agni (fire), Varuna (water), Vayu (air) went uncoordinated and havoc spread in the universe, As Indra (ether) was not able to administer and coordinate the Pancha bootha.
Manal Naharam is an upcoming 2014 Tamil language Indian feature film directed by Oru Thalai Ragam Shankar starring Prajin Padmanabhan, Gautham Krishna, Varuna Shetty, Tejaswini Prakash, Varuna Shetty, Vinod Kumar (VK), Jaise Jose and Shankar himself.
Vasuki, Takshaka, and the Naga called Airavata, Krishna and Lohita (see Lauhitya), Padma, Chitra, Kamvala, Aswatara, Dhritarashtra, Valahaka, Matimat, Kundadhara, Karkotaka, Dhananjaya, Panimat, Kundaka, Prahlada, Mushikada and Janamejaya wait upon Varuna.
Karkotaka and Vasuki and Takshaka and Prithusravas and Varuna and Kunjara, and Misri and Sankha and Kumuda and Pundarika, Dhritarashtra, and Hrada and Kratha and Sitikantha of fierce energy, and Chakramanda and Atishanda, Durmukha, and Amvarisha, and king Varuna
Together with Varuna - The Writers' House and the Sydney Writers' Festival, the NSW Writers' Centre is the main support organisation for writers in New South Wales.
As James (1969) notes, Varuna attained the position of "universal Power par excellence maintaining Ṛta" and is celebrated as having "separated and established heaven and earth, spreading them out as the upper and lower firmaments, himself enthroned above them as the universal king, ordering the immutable moral law, exercising his rule by the sovereignty of Ṛta.
The double aspect of heavenly sovereign power would be reflected in the dichotomy Varuna-Mitra in Vedic religion and in Rome in the dichotomy Summanus-Dius Fidius.
While undertaking a penance, Kaushika helps a boy named Shunashepa who has been sold by his parents to be sacrificed at Ambarisha's yagna to please Varuna.