
3 unusual facts about Vasile Alecsandri


One famous visitor to Borsec was Moldavian writer Vasile Alecsandri, who wrote the following in 1845: "at Borsec they all are brothers, if not in Jesus then in mineral water ... one of the most important merits of Borsec is that it gives people human feelings!"

Giovenale Vegezzi Ruscalla

He translated poems of the Romanian poet and playwright Vasile Alecsandri and taught a history course and Romanian literature at the University of Turin.

Meșterul Manole

The ballad "Monastirea Argeșului" was published - alongside "Miorița", "Toma Alimoș", "Dolca" - by Vasile Alecsandri in the first collection of Romanian folk creations in 1852, entitled "Poezii populare, balade (Cântice bătrânești) adunate și îndreptate de Vasile Alecsandri".

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