
unusual facts about Vaugirard


État 40-001 to 40-143

The engines were assigned to the depots of Paris-Vaugirard, Montrouge, Batignoles, Sotteville (Rouen), Le Havre, Dieppe, Trappes, Chartres, Caen, Cherbourg, St-Brieuc, Brest, Nantes, Rennes and La Rochelle as well as industrial railways and harbours.

Hôtel de Condé

The Hôtel de Condé comprised almost all the terrain in the 6th arrondissement of Paris that is now enclosed within rue de Condé, Vaugirard and Monsieur-Le-Prince and the crossroads of the Odéon.

Jeanne Guyon

At Paris, the police, however, arrested her on 24 December 1695 and imprisoned her, first at Vincennes, then in a convent at Vaugirard, and then in the Bastille, where on 23 August 1699, she again signed a retraction of her theories and an undertaking to refrain from further spreading them.

Rue de Vaugirard

"Vaugirard" came from an old French noun-and-genitive construction "val Girard" = "valley of Girard" (Latin vallis Girardi), after an Abbé Girard, who owned the land over which the road passes.

see also