Vehicular automation, using artificial intelligence to enhance or automate control of a vehicle
Groups such as RUF (Denmark), BiWay (UK), ATN (New Zealand) and TriTrack (USA) are working on projects consisting of private cars that dock onto monorail tracks and are driven autonomously around the track.
Extra-vehicular activity | automation | Rockwell Automation | Automation | International Society of Automation | International Conference on Robotics and Automation | hit and run (vehicular) | Haas Automation | extra-vehicular activity | OLE Automation | Network Automation, Inc. v. Advanced Systems Concepts, Inc. | Vehicular homicide | Vehicular automation | Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening | Professional services automation | Microsoft UI Automation | laboratory automation | Home Automation | Home automation | home automation | Hit and run (vehicular) | extra-vehicular activity (EVA) | Extra-vehicular Activity | Computer Automation | Automation Records | Automation Centre | Association for Laboratory Automation |