He is married to Mirjana Kadijević (the only child of Yugoslav general Veljko Kadijević).
Ha said that he found out about the Ovčara massacre only after retiring because the head of his intelligence, general Aleksandar Vasiljević didn't inform him of this event.
However, Yugoslav Secretary of Defense and JNA chief of staff, general Veljko Kadijević reneged on the earlier promise, saying that JNA needs its frequencies for flight path control and doesn't have sufficient funds in its budget to service a television network thereby effectively killing Yutel's plans of broadcasting independently of the local constituent republic TV centers.
The agreement was confirmed the next day in Geneva when the Geneva Accord was signed by Tuđman, Milošević and the Yugoslav defence minister, JNA General Veljko Kadijević.
According to Marko Attila Hoare, a former employee at the ICTY, an investigative team worked on indictments of persons whom they labelled a ‘joint criminal enterprise’, including Slobodan Milošević, Veljko Kadijević, Blagoje Adžić, Borisav Jović, Branko Kostić, Momir Bulatović and others.