
unusual facts about Velsen


In 1918, the steel producer Koninklijke Hoogovens was established in Velsen-Noord along the North Sea Canal.

History of urban centers in the Dutch Low Countries

Probably because of the (founded) fear of Germanic incursions, Roman settlements (such as Roman villas and colonies) were extremely sparse, and Roman presence was mainly limited to three Castra: (Noviomagus, near modern Nijmegen; Flevum, near Velsen; and a last one near Oudenburg, its name is unknown); and a set of Castellum.


The Scheepstimmermanstraat (Shipwright's Street) in Amsterdam is well known for its 60 unique houses designed by architects such as Hertzberger (no.126), van Velsen (no.120), Höhne & Rapp (no.62) and MVRDV (no.26 & 40).

see also