
unusual facts about Venetian Republic

Donatus of Zadar

According to tradition, St. Donatus brought the relics to Zadar from Constantinople, when he was there with the Venetian duke Beato.

see also

Croatian Latin literature

Among Gradius' best-known poems is "Prejasne Venetian Republic", which explored the troubles faced by his native city ("De laudibus Serenissimae Reipublicae Venetae et Patriae cladibus drought Carmen", 1675) in 315 hexameters, providing a striking description of the 1667 Dubrovnik earthquake.

Il Ballo del Doge

The ball's name derives from the title of the elected heads (Doge, Duke in English) who ruled Venice up until the fall of the Venetian republic in the 18th Century.


In 1797 the Venetian Republic fell with the arrival of Napoleon's Campaign In Italy, the Principality of Niardo was incorporated in French Empire.

Vittoria Accoramboni

Vittoria, overwhelmed with grief, went to live in retirement at Padua, where she was followed by Lodovico Orsini, a relation of her late husband and a servant of the Venetian republic, to arrange amicably for the division of the property.

Walls of Padua

Designed by the architect Giovanni Maria Falconetto, this gate was built with a frieze showing the Lion of Saint Mark, symbol of the Venetian Republic, which still survives.

Designed by the architect Giovanni Maria Falconetto, this gate originally had a frieze showing the Lion of Saint Mark, symbol of the Venetian Republic (the frieze here was destroyed during the Napoleonic Wars).