
unusual facts about Verhandlungen


European Physical Journal

From the time of its creation in 1845, the Physical Society of Berlin (Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin) published Fortschritte der Physik and Verhandlungen, but by 1919, the Verhandlungen had become too voluminous, so a committee consisting of Albert Einstein, Eugen Goldstein, Fritz Haber, E. Jahnke, Karl Scheel, and Wilhelm Westphal was formed.

Hermann Hüffer

His principal work is entitled: Diplomatische Verhandlungen aus der Zeit der französischen Revolution (Diplomatic negotiations at the time of the French Revolution) in three volumes (1869–79), of which the first treats of the hostility of Austria and Prussia to the Revolution down to the Treaty of Campo Formio, while the second and third deal with the Congress of Rastatt and the Second Coalition.

see also