In 1992 a stop was added at Willimantic, Connecticut, but service there was discontinued in 1995 upon inception of the Vermonter.
One proposal to continue rail service to Amherst using this line is the Central Corridor Rail Line, which would veer southeast after Palmer and would pass through eastern Connecticut, terminating in New London, Connecticut.
The railroad, now operated by the New England Central Railroad, continues to feature daily trains through Balloch, including its own freight trains, as well as freight trains of Pan Am Railways and the daily Vermonter passenger train of Amtrak.
"This county, created by Act of the Legislature October 1, 1870, was named for Stephen A. Douglas, the "Little Giant," a Vermonter who was Congressman from Illinois 1843 to '47, Senator from '47 to '61, and Democratic candidate for President in 1860 on the ticket with gov. Herschel V. Johnson, of Georgia, for Vice President.
Currently, Peter Pan Bus Lines and Greyhound Lines intercity bus service to Greenfield stops at the Olver Center and is a proposed passenger rail station on the rerouted Amtrak Vermonter line, currently serving communities from Union Station in Washington, DC to St. Albans, Vermont.