Drowning Mona is a 2000 comedy-mystery film starring Danny DeVito as Wyatt Rash, a local police chief from Verplanck, New York, who investigates the mysterious death of Mona Dearly, a spiteful, loud-mouthed, cruel and highly unpopular woman, who drove her son's car off a cliff and drowned in a river.
About 21 October, the enemy destroyed and abandoned their posts at Stony and Verplanck's Points, so the Connecticut Line was ordered to those locations, where they began repairs.
Verplanck, New York, a hamlet in the town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York
Verplanck Colvin (1847–1920), an American lawyer and topographical engineer
Verplanck, New York | Verplanck's | Verplanck Colvin | Daniel C. Verplanck |
He married Anna Verplanck and thus had four children; Steven, William, Augusta Maria and Julia who would later marry the American agriculturalist John Hare Powell.
Verplanck was elected as a Democratic-Republican to the Eighth Congress to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Isaac Bloom.
William Samuel Verplanck Junior (Plainfield, New Jersey, January 16, 1916 – Knoxville, Tennessee, September 30, 2002) was an American psychologist.