
3 unusual facts about Versant


Versant English overall scores can be used to predict CEFR levels on the CEFR scale of Oral Interaction Skills with reasonable accuracy.

Versant test scores have been aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Below are the mappings of Versant scores and other tests' scores to the CEFR.



East of the Andean Cordilleras, the Cetopsinae occur in the Aroa and Yaracuy River basins along the Caribbean versant of northern Venezuela, through the Orinoco River system and the coastal rivers of the Guianas, south through the Amazon basin to the southern portions of the Río de la Plata basin.


The distribution of C. pacifici includes the San Cipriano River of the Dagua River basin, the Anchicayá, Aguaclara, and Danubio Rivers of the Anchicayá River basin, and western slope of the Pacific versant of the Valle del Cauca Department, Colombia.


Founded in 2001 by Olav Bergheim, Richard Hill and Mory Gharib, the company has raised $126 million in venture funding from Versant Ventures, OrbiMed Advisors, Frazier Healthcare Ventures, InterWest Partners, Meritech Capital Partners, Domain Associates, Fjord Capital Management and Montreux Equity Partners.

Helicos Biosciences

Helicos was co-founded in 2003 by life science entrepreneur Stanley Lapidus, Stephen Quake, and Noubar Afeyan with investments from Atlas Venture, Flagship Ventures, Highland Capital Partners, MPM Capital, and Versant Ventures.

Lachesis melanocephala

Found in Costa Rica on the Pacific versant of southeastern Puntarenas province from near sea level to about 1500 m (about 4,900 feet).

Versant Corporation

In late 2012, after rejecting an offer by Unicom Systems Inc., Versant Corporation announced it was being acquired by Actian Corporation, the commercial developer of Ingres and the relational database, Vectorwise.

In March 2004, Versant acquired Poet Software GmbH, a European-focused company targeting the Windows product market which had traded on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange.

see also