
unusual facts about Vertex

BB Biotech

At of September 30, 2013the six largest holdings in the BB Biotech portfolio were (in order of value): a 13% stake in Celgene; 11% of Isis Pharmaceuticals; 10.4% of Actelion; 9.6% of Gilead; 7.7% of Incyte and 4.5% of Vertex.


Vertex |


Vladimir Karapetoff (1929) "Some properties of correlative vertex lines in a plane triangle", American Mathematical Monthly 36:476–9.

Euler characteristic

It is common to construct soccer balls by stitching together pentagonal and hexagonal pieces, with three pieces meeting at each vertex (see for example the Adidas Telstar).

Grigorchuk group

The empty string Ø is the root vertex of T2 and for a vertex x of T2 the string x0 is the left child of x and the string x1 is the right child of x in T2.

Implicit graph

For instance, in searching for a solution to a puzzle such as Rubik's Cube, one may define an implicit graph in which each vertex represents one of the possible states of the cube, and each edge represents a move from one state to another.

Jemmis mno rules

They were formulated by Eluvathingal Devassy Jemmis to explain the structures of condensed polyhedral boranes such as B20H16, which are obtained by condensing polyhedral boranes, by sharing a triangular face, an edge, a single vertex or even four vertices.

Johann F. C. Hessel

Hessel also found Euler's formula disobeyed with interconnected polyhedra, for example, where an edge or vertex is shared by more than two faces (e.g. as in edge-sharing and vertex-sharing tetrahedra).

Median graph

They also show that this median of a set S of vertices in a median graph satisfies the Condorcet criterion for the winner of an election: compared to any other vertex, it is closer to a majority of the vertices in S.

Ménage problem

However, two Hamiltonian cycles are considered to be equivalent if they connect the same vertices in the same cyclic order regardless of the starting vertex, while in the ménage problem the starting position is considered significant: if, as in Alice's tea party, all the guests shift their positions by one seat, it is considered a different seating arrangement even though it is described by the same cycle.

Near-miss Johnson solid

Permutations of these polygon lists further extend possible vertex figures.

Philip Franklin

In 1934, Franklin published a counterexample to the Heawood conjecture, this 12-vertex cubic graph is now known as the Franklin graph.

Polyhedral combinatorics

Often, these problems have solutions that can be described by binary vectors, and the corresponding polytopes have vertex coordinates that are all zero or one.

Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm

The general algorithm has O(V^2 E) time complexity, while the implementation with FIFO vertex selection rule has O(V^3) running time, the highest active vertex selection rule provides O(V^2\sqrt{E}) complexity, and the implementation with Sleator's and Tarjan's dynamic tree data structure runs in O(V E \log(V^2/E)) time.

Shortest-path tree

# Compute dist(u), the shortest-path distance from root v to vertex u in G using Dijkstra's algorithm or Bellman–Ford algorithm.


The company is venture capital backed and investors include GE Energy Financial Services, Lightspeed Venture Partners, ORR Partners, Genesis Partners, Walden International, Vertex Venture Capital, JP Asia Capital and Opus Capital Ventures.

Vertex operator algebra

Important examples of vertex operator algebras include lattice VOAs (modeling lattice conformal field theories), VOAs given by representations of affine Kac-Moody algebras (from the WZW model), the Virasoro VOAs (i.e., VOAs corresponding to representations of the Virasoro algebra) and the moonshine module V, constructed by Frenkel, Lepowsky and Meurman in 1988.

The definition of the vertex operators Φα(z) in this context is originally due to Victor Kac, Igor Frenkel and independently Graeme Segal.

see also