
unusual facts about Vesuvius

Vesuvius, British Columbia

It is named for Vesuvius Bay, which was named for HMS Vesuvius, a ship of the Royal Navy assigned to the Pacific Station at Esquimalt in the 19th Century.

1828 in art

August Kopisch – The Crater of Vesuvius with the Eruption of 1828

Alfieri clan

In the mid-1980s, the Alfieri clan expanded its hegemony in the province of Naples in different directions towards Pomigliano d'Arco, Agro Nocerino Sarcese along the coastline between Castellamere di Stabia and Torre Annunziata and into the Vesuvius area in the municipalities of Somma Vesuviana, Sant'Anastasia and Volla.

Edmund Garvey

He exhibited views of Rome, around Savoy and other continental locations, for example, View of the Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius, May 1792 and View of the Lake of Geneva with the Effect of a Flash of Lightning.

HMS Vesuvius

Twelve ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Vesuvius or HMS Vesuve, after the volcano Mount Vesuvius.

Munchie Strikes Back

The tribunal proceeds to blame Munchie for a number of historical calamities, including the sinking of Atlantis, the crash of the Hindenburg, the catacylism of Vesuvius, the meltdown of Chernobyl.

The Last Days of Pompeii

1935 – The Last Days of Pompeii, an RKO film, with Preston Foster and Basil Rathbone, which carried a disclaimer that, although the scenes of Vesuvius erupting had been inspired by the novel, the movie did not use its plot or characters.

Vesuvius Records

Fontella Bass and Tina Turner's "Poor Little Fool" released under the Vesuvius Records imprint in 1961.

Villa of the Mysteries

Although covered with metres of ash and other volcanic material, the villa sustained only minor damage in the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD, and the majority of its walls, ceilings, and most particularly its frescoes survived largely undamaged.

see also