
3 unusual facts about Vicente Aleixandre

Julio Izquierdo Labrado

At present, he works in the House of Culture Vicente Aleixandre of Palos de la Frontera, and he is a member of the investigation group "Mentality, Society, and Environment in the Modern Era" in Andalucía and Latin America.

Vicente Aleixandre

Selections of his work were translated into English in Twenty Poems of Vicente Aleixandre (1977) and A Longing for the Light: Selected Poems of Vincent Aleixandre (1979; Copper Canyon Press, 2007) (translated by Lewis Hyde).

Poesin blev min räddning (1977), documentary directed by Humberto López y Guerra about the Spanish Literature Nobel Prize Winner Vicente Aleixandre produced for Swedish Television TV1-Kultur

see also