
unusual facts about ViewPoint

Camera angle

A Viewpoint is the apparent distance and angle from which the camera views and records the subject.

1000 de La Gauchetière

The building's architecture is similar to that of the Chase Tower in Dallas, Texas, United States, but with the street-level architecture projecting out in a distinct style, reducing the visual and psychological impact of the entire building from this viewpoint.

A Financial Fable

Ed Natcher of Prism Comics wrote that Barks "wrote from a socio-economic viewpoint that was somewhat to the right of Ayn Rand" and that the story could make "any Bush blush with envy at its conservative credentials".

A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Musician Sufjan Stevens wrote a song titled "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" on his album Seven Swans; it is told from the viewpoint of the Misfit even though he is not the focus of the story.

Aerial perspective

(One caution: in common speech, the words perspective and viewpoint tend to be used interchangeably; however, in art, aerial perspective does not imply an aerial viewpoint, such as that forming the basis of the aerial landscape genre. The example by Frans Koppelaar pictured here shows the difference. This landscape is a good example of aerial perspective; however, it is not an aerial landscape, since the observer is apparently standing on the ground.)

Anna Seidel

Seidel's viewpoint on Chinese religion as depicted in her article "Taoism" written for the 15th edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica (1975), broke the orthodox mould.


Freethought is a philosophical viewpoint that holds opinions should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, or other dogmas.

Arctic view

Arctic View is the name of a viewpoint and restaurant located on the northwestern tip of the island of Havøya in Måsøy Municipality in Finnmark county, Norway.

Arsys Software

The viewpoint switches between several different perspectives: a 2D top-down perspective while flying, a side-scrolling view during on-foot outdoor exploration, a fully 3D polygonal third-person perspective inside buildings, and arena-style 2D shoot 'em up battles during boss encounters.

Asharq Al-Awsat

The paper also has copyright syndications with the Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, and Global Viewpoint, permitting it to publish Arabic translations of columnists like Thomas Friedman and David Ignatius.

Aubrey de Grey

An article about SENS published in the viewpoint section of EMBO Reports by 28 scientists concluded that none of de Grey's therapies "has ever been shown to extend the lifespan of any organism, let alone humans".

Bungalow railway station

The station is a popular viewpoint to watch the world-famous T.T. motorbike races and the Manx Grand Prix races and as the tramway crosses the course, tramcars terminate on either side of the road during race periods, with cars being moved to the upper part of the line prior to road closure.

Colin Rowe

Between the 1950s and his death, Rowe published a number of widely influential papers that influenced architecture by further developing the theory that there is a conceptual relationship between modernity and tradition, specifically Classicism in its various manifestations, and Modern Movement "white architecture" of the 1920s - a viewpoint first put forward by Emil Kaufmann in his classic book "Von Ledoux bis Le Courbusier" (1933).

Dave Barry in Cyberspace

The book ends with a fictional story from the second-person viewpoint of a married, stay-at-home mom and her gradual acceptance of and proficiency at using the family PC, especially surfing the internet through the AOL online service.

Douglas Kenney

The feature was an Americanized version of Private Eyes long-running column "Mrs. Wilson's Diary," written from the viewpoint of Prime Minister Harold Wilson's wife.

Flip Wilson

In this bit, Wilson retells the story of Christopher Columbus from an anachronistic urbanized viewpoint, in which Columbus convinces the Spanish monarchs to fund his voyage by noting that discovering America means that he can also discover Ray Charles.

Focal character

In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's works of Sherlock Holmes, Watson is the viewpoint character, but the story revolves around Holmes, making him the focal character.

Free Spirit

Freethought, a philosophical viewpoint asserting that beliefs should not be influenced by authority, tradition, or any dogma

Giacomo Carissimi

Carissimi is the viewpoint character for the "Euterpe" series of short stories by Enrico M. Toro within the 1632 series of books edited by Eric Flint.

I Wonder If Heaven Got a Ghetto

In the Lionel C. Martin directed music video from July 14-15, 1997, the perspective is a first-person viewpoint of Shakur.


It communicates with the interior by the Pan American Highway, which continues along the Ecuadorian population Tulcán, after crossing the International Bridge Rumichaca, language Quechua means "stone bridge" over the river Carchi in Narino territory called Guaytara (blue river) to 800 meters, from the viewpoint of Ipiales.

Jean-Jacques Sempé

He once drew a series called Le petit Nicolas, starting it in the 1950s, but he is best known for his posterlike illustrations, usually drawn from a distant or high viewpoint depicting detailed countrysides or cities.


The station has a news and talk format that is mainly from a conservative viewpoint from nationally syndicated radio hosts such as Dennis Miller (10am-1pm), Phil Valentine (1pm-4pm), Glenn Beck (4pm-7pm), John Bachelor, and Red Eye Radio overnight.


A viewpoint, according to legend one of the many hiding places of the Pandavas and Panchali.

Lê Văn Thịnh

A modern viewpoint is that the Chancellor morphs into a tiger (Thái sư hóa hổ) story in Ngô Sĩ Liên's work might be derived from the book Việt điện u linh (Compilation of the potent spirits in the Realm of Việt) of Lý Tế Xuyên; this hypothesis can explain the existence of such mythic elements in an official historical record for a dynasty like Đại Việt sử ký toàn thư.

Léon Krier

Krier agreed with the viewpoint of the late Heinrich Tessenow that there is a strict relationship between the economic and cultural wealth of a city, on the one hand, and the limitation of its population on the other.


Viewpoint Corporation was best known for the Viewpoint Media Player installed inside AIM/AOL packages to help provide better 3D visualization for product tours and configurators on the web.

Meteorological intelligence

From the viewpoint of the intelligence community, the term meteorological intelligence is more limited in its use referring to the use of clandestine or technical means to learn about environmental conditions over enemy territory (Shulsky and Schmitt 2002).

Money market fund

The SEC has argued vociferously that this is “their area” and FSOC should back off and let them handle it, a viewpoint shared by four former SEC Chairman Roderick Hills, David Ruder, Richard Breeden, and Harvey Pitt, and two former commissioners Roel Campos, Paul S. Atkins.

Mount Philo State Park

From September to November, Mt. Philo is an excellent viewpoint for migrating raptors.

Nancy Pearcey

Pearcey is a fellow of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture, the center of the intelligent design movement, where she has had the primary responsibility for promoting the intelligent design movement's viewpoint through op-eds, for journals and magazine's, especially Marvin Olasky's World magazine.

National Missile Defense in Canada

This viewpoint was shared by many who feared the increasingly aggressive U.S. foreign policy under George W. Bush, and who resented the suggestion that Canada may not have an independent foreign policy.

Nicholas DeVore III

A signature expression of his style, subject matter and viewpoint remains Village Japan: the Four Seasons of Shimukappu, an album that took almost two years to make, photographed in Shimukappu, Hokkaido.

Norman Golb

Golb has been a key proponent of the viewpoint that the Dead Sea Scrolls found in Qumran were not the product of the Essenes, but rather of many different Jewish sects and communities of ancient Israel, which he presents in his book Who Wrote The Dead Sea Scrolls?: The Search For The Secret Of Qumran.

Pa Hin Ngam National Park

The steep cliff at the 846 m high Sut Phan Din viewpoint allows a great view into a valley of the Sonthi River and the Sap Langka Wildlife Sanctuary.

Paul Rebhan

He also rents himself out as a "friend", and wrote a philosophy book that seems to share a similar skeptical viewpoint of epistemology as Michel Foucault, the French postmodernist philosopher.

Point Omega

The viewpoint is that of an anonymous man watching a work of conceptual art (24 Hour Psycho) that involves Psycho slowed down, broken down so that it takes 24 hours to play.

Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite

William Grocyn pursued Valla's lines of text criticism, and Valla's critical viewpoint of the authorship of the highly influential Corpus was accepted and publicized by Erasmus from 1504 onward, for which he was criticized by Catholic theologians.


The West Berlin band Ton Steine Scherben's Rauch-Haus-Song describes the occupation by squatters of the former Bethanien-Krankenhaus (Bethanien hospital), from the viewpoint of the squatters.


The band has a strong libertarian viewpoint and defines itself as "acid mountain rock".

Scott's View

The viewpoint can be located directly from a minor road leading south from Earlston just off the A68 and by travelling north from the village of St. Boswells up the slope of Bemersyde Hill.

Systematics and the Origin of Species

Systematics and the Origin of Species from the Viewpoint of a Zoologist is a book written by zoologist and evolutionary biologist Ernst Mayr that was first published in 1942 by Columbia University Press.

The Greening of America

"Consciousness II" represents a viewpoint of "an organizational society", featuring meritocracy and improvement through various large institutions; it dominated the New Deal, World War II and 1950s generations.

The Love That Dares to Speak Its Name

It is written from the viewpoint of a Roman centurion who is graphically described having sex with Jesus after his crucifixion, and also claims that Jesus had had sex with numerous disciples, guards, and even Pontius Pilate.

Wanda Jablonski

She began as the oil editor at the Journal of Commerce, where she made her mark with an 1948 interview with Juan Pablo Pérez Alfonso, then the Venezuelan oil minister, which cleverly synthesised the developing nations' viewpoint, in those days rarely heard in the west.


Weekend programming includes talk shows hosted by Dennis Prager, Steve Gill, and Hugh Hewitt, plus Outdoors with Alan Warren and Viewpoint Alabama.

Whitehouse v Lemon

The poem, written from the viewpoint of a Roman centurion, graphically describes him having sex with Jesus after his crucifixion, and also claims that Jesus had had sex with numerous disciples, guards, and even Pontius Pilate.

YFZ Ranch

On April 16, 2008, several of the mothers appeared on Larry King Live to ask for their children and tell their story from their own viewpoint.

see also