The only other people who got a first-class degree in economics at the same time were Vince Cable and Geoff Hurd.
The convention appears to have been partially suspended under the Conservative - Liberal Democrat Coalition Government of Prime Minister David Cameron, with Liberal Democrat ministers such as Vince Cable frequently publicly criticising the actions of Conservative Cabinet members.
As an advocate of entrepreneurship, Michael Hayman is a co-founder of StartUp Britain, a campaign by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, which was launched in 2011 by the Prime Minister David Cameron, the Chancellor George Osbourne and the Secretary of State for Business Vince Cable in response to the Government's call for an 'enterprise-led' recovery.
On 4 November 2010 Business Secretary Vince Cable referred the takeover bid to Ofcom to consider issues of media plurality.
The first key turning point in the planned takeover was the removal in December 2010 of regulatory approval from Vince Cable, who had told undercover reporters from The Daily Telegraph he had "declared war" on Murdoch.
As an advocate of entrepreneurship, Rajeeb Dey is a co-founder of StartUp Britain, a campaign by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, which was launched in 2011 by the Prime Minister David Cameron, the Chancellor George Osbourne and the Secretary of State for Business Vince Cable in response to the Government's call for an 'enterprise-led' recovery.
cable television | Time Warner Cable | Vince Gill | Vince Lombardi | Vince McMahon | Larry the Cable Guy | Cable television | cable | Cable & Wireless plc | Vince Vaughn | Vince Russo | Vince Neil | Coaxial cable | Cable & Wireless Worldwide | Vince Young | Vince Cable | United States cable news | Vince Foster | Vince Beiser | Vince Aletti | Transatlantic telegraph cable | cable ferry | Cable | Broadcasting & Cable | Vince Papale | Vince Locke | Vince Ferragamo | Vince Dooley | Vince Colosimo | The Ballad of Cable Hogue |
Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrats' economic spokesman mocked so-called "masters of the universe," whose hedge funds profited from short-selling.
Speakers included Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Vince Cable; John Bercow, Speaker of the House of Commons and the UK Youth Parliament and Pamela Warhurst Incredible Edible