
2 unusual facts about Vinland map

Rogerius of Apulia

, A. Onnerfors (Berlin 1967); an English translation in R.A. Skelton, T.E. Marston, and G.D. Painter, The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation (New Haven 1965) 54-101.

Ystoria Mongalorum

The manuscript is perhaps most known because it was bound with a manuscript of Vincent of Beauvais' popular encyclopedia Speculum historiale and a spurious map on vellum, the notorious "Vinland map"- no such map is included with a second, older Hystoria/Speculum manuscript volume found more recently.

Richard Raiswell

He has also appeared in the Smithsonian Network's Treasures Decoded, now in production, in which he argued against the authenticity of the Vinland Map.

see also