
3 unusual facts about Violette Leduc

Violette Leduc

In 1968 Radley Metzger made a film of Leduc's novel Thérèse and Isabelle.

Her first novel L'Asphyxie (In the Prison of Her Skin) was published by Albert Camus for Éditions Gallimard and earned her praise from Jean-Paul Sartre, Jean Cocteau and Jean Genet.

The film was a commercial feature about adolescent lesbian love, starring Essy Persson and Anna Gael.

Nina Bouraoui

This is particularly true of Mes Mauvaises Pensées (My Bad Thoughts) which bears the imprint of Hervé Guibert, Annie Ernaux, David Lynch, Eileen Gray, and Violette Leduc amongst others.

Sylvie Le Bon-de Beauvoir

She is preparing a publication of the letters of Simone de Beauvoir and Violette Leduc in May 2006 (communication with the writer, May 2006).

see also