As of fall of 2012 Donati has been touring extensively with guitarist Allan Holdsworth and bassists Jimmy Haslip and Anthony Crawford, playing at various venues in the United States, Canada and Europe.
During the 1980s Donati's drumming was a feature of the Melbourne-based jazz-rock fusion band 'Changes' (Virgil Donati Drums, Joe Chindamo Keyboards, Mark Domoney Guitar, Steve Hadley Bass, John Barrett Saxophone), which later became 'Loose Change' (a quartet - same lineup as 'Changes' minus Saxophone).
With his father's choice of records, including Louie Bellson and Buddy Rich albums, Donati quickly became a fan of those great jazz drummers, trying to emulate their solos.
Virgil | Virgil Thomson | Virgil Earp | Virgil Fox | Donati | Virgil Goode | Virgil Trucks | Virgil Shaw | Virgil Partch | Virgil Donati | Virgil Thompson | Virgil Hill | Virgil Griffith | St Virgil's College | Sergio Donati | Ozzie Virgil, Jr. | Virgil Widrich | Virgil Smith, Jr. | Virgil, Illinois | Virgil I. Grissom Municipal Airport | Virgil Exner | Virgil Carter | Pedro Virgil | Corso Donati | Vitaliano Donati | Virgil Zwicker | Virgil Williams | Virgil#Virgil's tomb | Virgil Thomson's | Virgil's Eclogues |