As an early pioneer of the web, Phyo was a part of San Francisco digital lab, Cyberlab 7, and founder of Dimension 7, where she handled CG work on Virtuosity, the early cyber film starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe and produced by Paramount Pictures.
Jay Harvey, from The Indianapolis Star, in reviewing A Tribute To Blue Note, one of Bill's shows, writes: "Lancton evoked the best of Grant Green, Kenny Burrell...Lancton's melody driven solo on Green's Miss Ann's Tempo demonstrated that a distinctive style can be affectionately inhabited without narrow mimicry....on Blue Train, Lancton in particular was able to find a smooth balance of virtuosity and soulfulness in his solo".
This was followed by Ignaz Umlauf's Singspiel Die Bergknappen in 1778 and the role of Fräule Nannette in Salieri's Der Rauchfangkehrer on 30 April 1781, a role specifically written for her to display her virtuosity.
Chorzempa is known for his great virtuosity, particularly in the organ works of Franz Liszt and Julius Reubke.
In an application to the arts, Benjamin Buchloh defines deskilling as "a concept of considerable importance in describing numerous artistic endeavors throughout the twentieth century with relative precision. All of these are linked in their persistent effort to eliminate artisanal competence and other forms of manual virtuosity from the horizon of both artist competence and aesthetic valuation."
"He has all the right qualities which make him a musician of the highest order; his technique, his sensibility are like the flower of virtuosity" -- Le Figaro, February, 1973.
His portraits had a vitality comparable to those of Michael and Anna Ancher and Christian Krohg, but he lacked the virtuosity and sense of colour enjoyed by Peder Severin Krøyer, Viggo Johansen and the Swedish and Norwegian painters.
Yamashita's early arrangements of Pictures at an Exhibition, Stravinsky's Firebird Suite, Dvořák's New World Symphony no. 9 in E Minor, and others, broke boundaries in terms of solo guitar expression and virtuosity.
That is why the Armstrong, Oliver, Morton, Bessie creed is to him the ultimate in jazz, and why he still holds a great admiration for Fats, for those are the musicians whom true artistry is infinitely more important than technical virtuosity.
"I tried to keep not only the vision of The Nazi Drawings simple and direct but also the materials I used in making them. I wanted them to be done with a tool used by everyone everywhere. From the cradle to the grave, meaning the pencil. I felt if I could use a tool like that, this would keep me away from the virtuosity that a more sophisticated medium would demand." Mauricio Lasansky Said.