The agricultural sector suffered a deep depression that affected the raising of livestock and all the major crops, especially cultivation of Vitis vinifera, a grape used for the wine industry, which was devastated by a Phylloxera epidemic.
Historically, this has been wine grown from native American species of grapes (such as Vitis labrusca), not European wine grapes, although hybrid and Vitis vinifera grapes are now common in Ohio.
This enzyme is found in various forms in plant species such as Arabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max (soybean), Vitis vinifera (wine grape), and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) among others.
As of 2006, 28 scientists are conducting research into the molecular genetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Vitis vinifera.
Vitis vinifera | Vitis | Vaccinium vitis-idaea | ''Vitis'' spp. | Vitis popenoei | Vitis californica |
Larvae have been recorded on a wide range of plants, including Ipomoea batatas, Vitis vinifera, Dillenia alata, Escallonia macrantha, Melastoma affine, Pentas lanceolata, Cayratia acris, Cayratia clematidea, Cayratia trifolia, Leea indica
Vitis vinifera evidence from ancient Rome shows wine was cultivated and then domesticated in Lebanon, at least two thousand years before Alexander the Great.
The vineyard was first planted in 1864 by Louis Nicolas Renault, a French immigrant from Mareuil-sur-Ay who brought the original vinifera grapes from France.
As it contains some non-vinifera genes, it is outlawed by the EU authorities for quality wine production, which is an issue of conflict with the English wine industry.
The first vines of Vitis vinifera origin planted in what is now the United States were planted in Senecu in 1629, which is near the present day town of San Antonio, New Mexico.
It is a dark-red or purple water-soluble pigment found in many redberries including chokeberries (Aronia sp), Saskatoon berries (Amelanchier alnifolia) or different species of grape (for instance Vitis vinifera, or muscadine, Vitis rotundifolia), and also part of the pigments responsible for the petal colors in many flowers.