
4 unusual facts about Volkswagen Blues

Sheila Fischman

Three of Fischman's translations have been selected for Canada Reads: Next Episode by Hubert Aquin in 2003; Volkswagen Blues by Jacques Poulin in 2005; and The Fat Woman Next Door is Pregnant by Michel Tremblay in 2008.

Volkswagen Blues

While on the road, they discuss language, literature, American expansion, the Oregon Trail, etc., and their trip becomes a metaphor for the history of the French exploration of North America.

Throughout the novel a number of interesting and entertaining characters appear, including writers Saul Bellow, Ernest Hemingway and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.

Together in Jack's Volkswagen Minibus, they embark on a journey from Gaspé to San Francisco, passing through Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and the American West on their way, exploring the history of European contact with the native people of the Americas.

see also