
unusual facts about Vorosmarty


Ede Kallós

His memorials include Ferenc Erkel Memorial in Gyula, Lajos Kossuth Memorial in Makó and Hódmezővásárhely, György Bessenyei Memorial in Nyíregyháza, Dániel Irányi Memorial, Mihály Vörösmarty Memorial in Nyíregyháza (together with Ede Telcs in 1908) and Ferenc Kölcsey Memorial (1939) in Budapest.

Ede Szigligeti

He supported himself for the next few years precariously enough, earning as le did little more than twelve florins a month, but at the same time he sedulously devoted himself to the theatre and sketched several plays, which differed so completely from the "original" plays then in vogue (The Played-out Trick actually appeared upon the boards) that they attracted the attention of such connoisseurs as Vorosmarty and Bajza who warmly encouraged the young writer.

Vörösmarty tér

Vörösmarty tér or Vörösmarty square is a public square in the Budapest city centre at the northern end of Váci utca.

see also