
3 unusual facts about Vossische Zeitung

Bernhard Wolff

He was editor of the Vossische Zeitung, founder of the National Zeitung (1848-1938), and founder of Wolffs Telegraphisches Bureau (1849-1934), one of the first press agencies in Europe and one of the three great European telegraph monopolies until the World War II-era, the other two being the English Reuters and the French Havas.

John Oxenford

It was translated and published in the Vossische Zeitung, which resulted in German readers showing enthusiastic and enduring interest in Schopenhauer's writings.

Westminster Review

John Oxenford's anonymous 1853 article, "Iconoclasm in German Philosophy", was translated and published in the Vossische Zeitung.

Mascha Kaléko

From 1929 on, she published poetry presenting the daily life of the common people in the newspapers Vossische Zeitung and Berliner Tageblatt.

see also