writer and philosopher, a leader of the Prussian Lithuanian national movement in Lithuania Minor, and one of leaders of the theosophical movement in East Prussia.
Vydūnas |
These works borrowed plots from heroic episodes of the Lithuanian history and were influenced by Vincas Krėvė-Mickevičius, Vydūnas, and Stanisław Przybyszewski.
Such works included the historical novel Senutė by Vydūnas, over 50 booklets by Petras Vileišis, the first chapter of Metai by Kristijonas Donelaitis (first publication in Latin script), and other works by contemporary Lithuanian authors, including Jonas Biliūnas, Lazdynų Pelėda, Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, Krikščiukaitis-Aišbė, and others.