Scott died in Burlington, North Carolina on April 16, 1958 and is buried in Hawfields Presbyterian Church Cemetery in Mebane, North Carolina.
Walter Scott | F. Scott Fitzgerald | Sir Walter Scott | Ridley Scott | Orson Scott Card | Tony Scott | Winfield Scott | Robert Falcon Scott | Scott | Scott Brown | Ronnie Scott | Francis Scott Key | Scott McCloud | Scott Lobdell | John Scott, 1st Earl of Eldon | Winfield Scott Hancock | Randolph Scott | Peter Scott | Deborah Kerr | Coretta Scott King | Seann William Scott | Scott Walker | Scott Bakula | George Gilbert Scott | Campbell Scott | Scott Hamilton | Scott Hastings | Jill Scott | Tom Scott | Terry Scott Taylor |
She is the daughter of former North Carolina governor Bob Scott and former First Lady Jessie Rae Scott, as well as the granddaughter of former U.S. Senator and North Carolina Governor W. Kerr Scott.