The Diane Rehm Show is nationally distributed by NPR to a weekly audience in excess of 2 million people.
In addition, WAMU 88.5 produces its own call-in talk shows, The Diane Rehm Show and The Kojo Nnamdi Show, Metro Connection, and music and entertainment programs, including Hot Jazz Saturday Night, and The Big Broadcast, which originated in 1964 as Recollections, hosted by John Hickman.
The song and its title served as the theme song for, and title of, a long-running radio series broadcast of bluegrass music on WAMU-PBS and Bluegrass Country, hosted by Fred Bartenstein and produced for
In December 1967, he took part in an interview which was broadcast on WAMU, the second part of a series on the Vietnam War; the first part's interview subject had been General William Westmoreland.