
2 unusual facts about WCYY

Rock Like War

The song received its first radio airtime on Portland, Maine's alternative station WCYY in June, 2007 after the premier of new song "Troublesome," (also on the album) and the announcement of the band's appearance at a live WCYY patio show in July.

After the song's premiere, it held the number one spot on WCYY's "top five at five" for many weeks, and is still found in the station's regular song rotation today.



Light at the End

After five years of pursuing separate projects such as Spencer Albee's band As Fast As, Dave Gutter and Jon Roods' band Paranoid Social Club and Tony Mcnaboe's solo album Destination, members of the band spontaneously came into Portland's WCYY studio one day in May 2007 to announce that the band was going to reunite for the summer and play some shows at local Portland club "The Asylum".

see also