
5 unusual facts about WRCT

Daniel Sleator

Sleator has hosted the progressive talk show Left Out on WRCT-FM with fellow host and School of Computer Science faculty member Bob Harper.


The lineup at AVA consisted of Zombo, Jason the Underwater Culprit, Shawn Watson, J. Malls and DJ Thermos, and the Shadow Lounge consisted of It's Tina, Kimmy+Sandi, DJ Sanspoof, Arsenal+JTS and DJ Firefly.

Democracy Now!: a nationally syndicated program of news, analysis, and opinion hosted by Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales

The Shadow Lounge's Blue Room also included performances by Steve Boyle of "Radio Free Radio" and Alex and Sal.

Genres including Alt-Country, Jazz, Hip hop, Metal, Experimental, Indie rock, Blues, International, Electronic, and even Musical Theater are among those commonly represented in rotation.They try to show off local music that people do not typically hear on mainstream stations.



The Saturday Light Brigade

The Saturday Light Brigade is broadcast live from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon (Eastern) on Saturday mornings and airs on WRCT in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, WSAJ in Grove City, Pennsylvania, WNJR in Washington, PA, WCUC in Clarion, PA, WIUP in Indiana, PA, and WMCO in New Concord, Ohio.

see also