
4 unusual facts about Waiting for the Hearse

Juan Manuel Tenuta

He is most remembered for his roles in Waiting for the Hearse, I Don't Want to Talk About It and Night of the Pencils.

Waiting for the Hearse

The film adaptation counted with great actors of the rioplatense theater like Antonio Gasalla, China Zorrilla, Luis Brandoni and Betiana Blum; in Argentina it's a classic and its reruns on TV still draw a large level of audiences.

Musicardi's octogenarian widow, Ana María de los Dolores Buscaroli, called Mamá Cora by everybody (Antonio Gasalla), has four children: Antonio (Luis Brandoni), Sergio (Juan Manuel Tenuta), Emilia (Lidia Catalano) and Jorge Musicardi (Julio De Grazia) with whom she lives and goes through financial troubles.

She storms into Sergio's house who's getting ready with his perfidous wife Elvira (China Zorrilla) and their daughter Matilda (Andrea Tenuta) to welcome, with the classic Sunday meal, newly rich Antonio (Luis Brandoni) and Nora, his wife (Betiana Blum), who ascended socially and economically in unclear circumstances.

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