His second brother Hans was mentally ill and lived most of his life with their sister in Wallerstein.
The Jewish community in Hainsfarth originally buried their dead in the Jewish cemetery at Wallerstein.
The last mentions of Zach in contemporary sources indicate that in January 1773 he was at the Wallerstein court, and according to the Frankfurt Kayserliche Reichs-Ober-Post-Amts-Zeitung of 5 June 1773 he died on a journey, at Ellwangen.
This provides an interesting twist on Wallerstein's neo-Marxist interpretation of the international order which faults differences in power relations between 'core' and 'periphery' states as the chief cause for economic and political inequality (However, the Singer–Prebisch thesis also works with different bargaining positions of labour in developed and developing countries).
Wallerstein | Immanuel Wallerstein | Robert S. Wallerstein |
Wallerstein is one of 14 surgeons in North America with the designation to teach LASIK by the developers of the first LASIK microkeratome (Chiron), and one of the first surgeons in North America to use Bausch & Lomb's Technolas 217 laser and Hansatome Keratome.
Charles II was married to Euphrosyne of Oettingen-Wallerstein and later to Elisabeth of Cuylenburg.