
unusual facts about Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia is an autobiography written by Marya Hornbacher, detailing her fourteen-year battle with eating disorders.

Byne Blueberry Farms

The latest experiment of Byne Blueberry Farms is to allow the city of Waynesboro to dump its yard clippings on the farm to be used as fertilizer, rather than being wasted.

Constantin von Dietze

Dietze wasted little time establishing himself as an opponent of the Nazi regime, joining the Confessing Church and consistently voicing his disapproval of the policies of Reich Minister of Food Richard Walther Darré.

Francis Thomas-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Earl of Kerry

Others took a more jaundiced view: Horace Walpole called Kerry " a simple young Irish peer that has married an elderly Irishwoman who was divorced on his account and wasted a vast estate on the idlest ostentation."

Hollywood Zap!

En route, Downs hooks up with wasted video addict/hustler Ben Frank.

John Tantillo

He has been particularly outspoken about what he perceives as the money wasted on Super Bowl advertising.

King of Bands

The material is evenly gleaned from previous albums: three tracks from Another Wasted Night, two from You Got It, two from the EP I81B4U, and three from their last studio album, Older... Budweiser.

These two songs were the last new songs to be created by Doherty and Co until 1997, when an EP, Back & Gacked was swiftly followed by a new album, Another Case Of Brewtality and a re-issue of their pre-Another Wasted Night material, Preschool – all on their original independent label, Taang.


Created in 1965, Lastikman comes to life through the writing of acclaimed comic book creator and inker Gerry Alanguilan (Wasted, Superman: Birthright), the art of two-time National Book Award winner Arnold Arre (Mythology Class, Trip to Tagaytay), and the brilliant colors of the talented Edgar Tadeo (Wolverine, Silver Surfer).

Linda Wolfe

She is best known for her award-winning work, Wasted: The Preppie Murder, an investigation of the so-called "rough sex" killer, Robert Chambers.

London Capital

The new elite franchise wasted no time in preparing for life in the professional league and on 28 June announced that former Los Angeles Lakers player Steve Bucknall would be coaching the team for their rookie season in the BBL.

Mbaye-Jacques Diop

After Iba Der Thiam mediated the situation, Diop agreed to resign on 16 November, but Wade nevertheless criticized Diop at a meeting of the PDS Steering Committee, saying that he had wasted 300 million CFA francs on "whimisical missions".

Oren Ginzburg

The Hungry Man (2004) is a critique of wasted resources in development.

Pretty Handsome Awkward

The video starts with footage from the 2007 MuchMusic Video Awards of the band and Chadam walking down the street, with screaming fans on the sidewalks, and an interviewer asks "You guys gonna get all wasted tonight? Up to your normal antics?"

Sikkil Gurucharan

In 1990, the family returned to Chennai and the Sikkil Sisters wasted no time in ensuring that Gurucharan began serious music training under the aegis of Vaigal Shri S. Gnanaskandan, disciple of Dandapani Desikar and Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer.

Sleeping Beauty Castle

The castle initially featured an empty upper level that was never intended to house an attraction, but Walt Disney was not satisfied with what he viewed as wasted space, and challenged his Imagineers to find some use for the space.

The Lemon Sisters

Among the other wasted talents is the director, Joyce Chopra, who once made the exquisite, troubling little film Smooth Talk and seems to have lost her judgment here.

Tikkun HaKlali

, "The General (or Comprehensive) Rectification"), also known as The General Remedy, is a set of ten Psalms whose recital serves as teshuvah (repentance) for all sins — in particular the sin of wasted seed through involuntary nocturnal emission or masturbation.

Wasted Youth Brew

Wasted Youth Brew is a compilation album released by Victory Records in 2001 containing material by the hardcore punk band, Blood for Blood.

see also