The series centers around the puppet Madame, who was a huge hit with audiences in the 1970s and 1980s with American puppeteer Wayland Flowers as her creator.
Wayland Flowers and his puppet Madame first uttered the widely quoted line "Sylvia Miles and Andy Warhol would attend the opening of a sewer".
-- separates this and that -->, various TV guest spots; and as the star of her own syndicated 1982 sitcom, Madame's Place.
Gennifer Flowers | Flowers for Algernon | Brandon Flowers | Francis Wayland | Wayland | Tiger Flowers | Wayland Young, 2nd Baron Kennet | Wayland, Massachusetts | Wayland Academy, Wisconsin | Wayland Academy | The Flowers of War | Flowers in the Rain | Conservatory of Flowers | Wayland Flowers | The Mike Flowers Pops | M. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran | Little Flowers of St. Francis | Herbie Flowers | Hearts and Flowers | Francis Wayland Parker | Flowers on the Wall | Flowers & Football Tops | Broken Flowers | Bridge of Flowers (event) | Woodie Flowers | ''Wild Flowers'' | Wayland Wood | Wayland Tunley | Wayland the Smith | Wayland, Iowa |