
3 unusual facts about Waziri

Isa Kaita

He held the traditional title of Madawaki of Katsina and later, the Waziri of Katsina.

Kashim Ibrahim

He held the traditional title of Waziri of the Emirate of Borno after two previous Waziris had been forced to resign as a result of scandals in the Borno local administration.


The family name of Farida Mzamber Waziri, Chairman of Nigeria's Economic and Financial Crimes Commission and mentioned in many scam emails

Economic and Financial Crimes Commission

Waziri was dismissed by President Goodluck Jonathan on 23 November 2011 and replaced by Ibrahim Lamorde as Acting Chairman, who has since been confirmed on the 15 February 2012 by the Nigerian Senate.

Idris Waziri

Waziri gained a degree at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, then joined the government as an administrative officer.

Nek Muhammad Wazir

He rose rapidly in the ranks, becoming a sub-commander of a Waziri Taliban unit, and fighting in battles against the Northern Alliance forces of Ahmad Shah Massoud in Bagram, Bamyan and Panjshir.

Tarzan and the Castaways

Tarzan, his monkey friend Nkima, and Chief Muviro and his faithful Waziri warriors confront an American prize fighter who has come to Africa to hunt the wildlife.

see also