
unusual facts about Weathering


Weathering of surface rocks produced a diversity of clay minerals (phyllosilicates) that formed under chemical conditions conducive to microbial life.

1935 Labor Day hurricane

Ernest Hemingway visited the veteran's camp by boat after weathering the hurricane at his home in Key West; he wrote about the devastation in a critical article titled Who Killed the Vet for The New Masses magazine.

Bernard John Smith

He established the Weathering Research Group in the early 1990s in the School of Geography, Archaeology and Palaeoecology at Queen's University Belfast (QUB).

Colin Reader

He suggested on the basis of weathering evidence that the Sphinix is older than its commonly accepted 4th dynastic date and instead it and two other buildings on the Giza Plaeau date to the early dynastic or late predynastic period.

Dzi bead

Another desirable effect is something called "Nāga skin" which refers to tiny circular weathering marks on the surface of the bead that resemble scales.

Geography of Kent

The Hastings Beds, which are resistant to weathering, leading to outcrops, such as High Rocks Tunbridge Wells, and sterile soil only suited to heathland and forests of Scots Pine.

John Gosse

Gosse has brought his technique to study the glacial history of the Rocky Mountains, weathering rates and exposure histories in the Torngat Mountains of Labrador, the history of glacial retreat in Atlantic and Arctic Canada, and landscape evolution at the Grand Canyon and in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina.


The rate of chemical weathering increases by 2-3 times when the temperature increases by 10 degrees Celsius.


This either can be a coating (e.g. for improved abrasion resistance), or a coextrusion for enhanced weathering resistance.


During the late 1960s-1980s, the above-ground POMCUS facilities were updated into large aluminum-over-steel warehouses, which provided the benefits of less weathering and lower maintenance requirements for the systems stored in them, as well as providing first-line defense against EMP radiation which could affect the electronics in both the communications systems and the recently implemented solid-state ignition systems on some vehicles.

Ringsbury Camp

A reason for the lightness of the rocks was apparently due to blood soaking into the stones when they were used as missiles during battles; however, nowadays chemical weathering - carbonation - of the limestone is thought to account for their light mass.


Şirince acquired world-wide fame when tourists flocked to the village in December 2012 to witness the Mayan Apocalypse, as New Age mystics believed its "positive energy" would aid in weathering the catastrophe, during the 2012 phenomenon.

Sphinx water erosion hypothesis

Recent studies by German climatologists Rudolph Kuper and Stefan Kröpelin, of the University of Cologne suggest the change from a wet to a much drier climate may have occurred as much as 500 years later than currently thought, coming to an end, they contend, around 3,500-1,500 B.C. Egyptologist Mark Lehner believes this climate change may have been responsible for the severe weathering found on the Sphinx and other sites of the 4th Dynasty.

Colin Reader, a British geologist, agrees that the suggested evidence of weathering indicates prolonged water erosion.

see also