
2 unusual facts about Web application


It's a web-based application developed for biologists and medical researchers to rapidly find out how genes are expressed in different tissues, stimuli, drug treatments, diseases, or genetic modifications.

Web application

Web applications are popular due to the ubiquity of web browsers, and the convenience of using a web browser as a client, sometimes called a thin client.


IS4C or Integrated Systems for Co-ops is a free web-based point of sale software for retail stores initially developed by Tak Tang for the Wedge Community Co-op in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

IT Works

IT Works publishes Effort Administrator, a web application that automates the tracking of research effort (performance measurement) for the purpose of justifying and administering research grants.


MDaemon includes a web-based email client (WorldClient) for browser-based access to email,birthday, calendars, contacts, documents, tasks and notes.


Neotys develops software solutions to improve the quality and performance of information systems; its flagship solution, NeoLoad, tests the performance of web applications using customizable scenarios for load and stress.


PSGI or Perl Web Server Gateway Interface is an interface between Web servers and Perl-based Web applications and frameworks that allows writing portable applications that can be run as standalone servers or using CGI, FastCGI, mod perl, et al.

Single-dealer platform

By the end of the decade the use of Java applets started to declined sharply, in favor of rich Internet application (RIA) technologies such as native web applications, Flash and Silverlight.

see also

Application Portfolio Management

A set of ASP or PHP web pages that work in conjunction with one another to deliver the experience and logic of a web application.

Dynamic web page

Google Maps is an example of a web application that uses Ajax techniques.

Graphical user interface builder

Ebase Xi RAD platform for web application, workflow and integration.


The service was rated as a "Top 5 Web Application" by CNET in 2000 and one of the "3 Top Technologies to Watch" by Fortune Magazine in 2000.

JBoss Seam

One can automatically generate a CRUD (create-read-update-delete) web-application from an existing database using the command-line tool seam-gen supplied with the framework.

Leon Shklar

He is also the co-author (with Rich Rosen) of the popular textbook Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols, and Practices.


NeoLoad supports any type of web application including those using J2EE, .NET, AJAX, Flex, Silverlight, GWT, SOAP, PHP, Push technology, etc. as long as they are HTTP 1.0 or 1.1 compliant.

Novell exteNd

Novell exteNd, formerly known as SilverStream, was a web application development suite from Novell that was discontinued in 2005.


The project began in Fall of 2002 when Dave Smith, a student from Brigham Young University (BYU) and lead developer, needed a robust web application to manage his LDAP servers.

Rich Rosen

Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices, 2nd edition, Leon Shklar, Rich Rosen, 2009, Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-51860-1.

Session fixation

Note that the following code performs no Cross-site request forgery checks, potentially allowing an attacker to force users to log out of the web application.

Virtual Sites Server

Virtual Sites Server (V.S.S.) is the first web application framework for Microsoft ASP (Active Server Pages, now ASP Classic) that permits to use the MVC (Model-View-Controller) in ASP Classic applications.

Web operations

The three-tiered model of web, application, and database components (such as LAMP environments consisting of Linux, MySQL and either Perl or PHP)


WebWork, a Java web application development framework developed by OpenSymphony


Zope, free and open-source, object-oriented web application server written in Python