
2 unusual facts about Welayta people

Welayta people

Wolayta is one of the 13 Zonal Administrations of the Southern Region In Ethiopia, Located 300 kilometers south of Addis Ababa.

Later, Welayta was included in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and People's Region (SNNPR, consisting of the former regions 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11) as part of the Semien Omo Zone.


The five largest ethnic groups reported in Badawacho were the Hadiya (82.15%), the Kambaata (5.45%), the Alaba (4.71%), the Welayta (3.77%), and the Oromo (2.05%); all other ethnic groups made up 1.87% of the population.


The five largest ethnic groups reported in Fentale were the Oromo (46.54%), the Amhara (17.73%), the Kambaata (12.19%), the Hadiya (12.19%), and the Welayta (1.08%); all other ethnic groups made up 2.58% of the population.

Misraq Shewa Zone

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Misraq Shewa were the Oromo (69.59%), the Amhara (16.77%), the Soddo Gurage (2.21%), the Kambaata (2%), and the Welayta (1.78%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.65% of the population.


The five largest ethnic groups reported in Seraro were the Oromo (80.04%), the Alaba (4.05%), the Kambaata (3.01%), the Welayta (2.82%), and the Amhara (1.01%); all other ethnic groups made up 9.07% of the population.

Shashamene Zuria

The five largest ethnic groups reported in Shashamene were the Oromo (74.11%), the Amhara (9.26%), the Welayta (5%), the Kambaata (2.3%), and the Soddo Gurage (2.13%); all other ethnic groups made up 7.2% of the population.

Sidama Zone

The zone is bordered by the Arsi Oromo in the north and west, Gedeo, Burji, Guji Oromo people groups in the south, Guji Oromo in the west, and Wolayta and Kambata language groups to the east.

see also