
3 unusual facts about Welteislehre

Hitler: A Film from Germany

The Cosmologist is partly based on Hans Hörbiger, creator of the Welteislehre, but the Cosmologist is portrayed as still being alive during Hitler's reign and after World War II, and looks more like Leonardo da Vinci or Socrates than Hörbiger.

Lunar craters

(c) a theory known as the Welteislehre developed in Germany between the two World Wars which suggested glacial action creating the craters.


Welteislehre, a cosmological theory proposed by Austrian Hans Hörbiger


Welteislehre |

Hanns Hörbiger

Hörbiger's theories were later popularized by H.S. Bellamy, and influenced Hans Robert Scultetus, head of the Pflegestätte für Wetterkunde (Meteorology Section) of the SS-Ahnenerbe, who believed that Welteislehre could be used to provide accurate long-range weather forecasts.

see also