Much Wenlock | Wenlock Hill | John Wenlock, 1st Baron Wenlock | Arthur Lawley, 6th Baron Wenlock | Wenlock Edge | Paul Thompson, 1st Baron Wenlock | Beilby Lawley, 3rd Baron Wenlock |
She was a minor author who invited to Wenlock Abbey artistic and literary visitors who included Henry James and Thomas Hardy.
Dr. William Penny Brookes, from the United Kingdom, further developed his Olympian Class sports events held in Much Wenlock in the 1850s, by adopting some events from the 1859 Athens Olympic Games into the programme of future Wenlock Olympian Games.
Henry Bridgeman, 1st Baron Bradford (1725–1800), British MP for Ludlow & (Much) Wenlock
Thomas Newport, 1st Baron Torrington (c. 1655–1719), English MP for Ludlow, Winchelse, (Much) Wenlock and Teller of the Exchequer
A. E. Housman referred to the town as "Uricon" in his poem "On Wenlock Edge" in A Shropshire Lad.
In 1859 Wenlock Olympian Class sent £10 to Athens as a prize for the best runner in the Long Foot Race at the Olympic Games which was held in November that year - open only to Greek-speaking athletes.
They are organised by the Wenlock Olympian Society (WOS), and are held each year at venues across Shropshire, England, and centred on the little market town of Much Wenlock .
:: Casiogrammus ichthyeros Wilson, 2005 - Lanarkshire, Scotland; Wenlock (Silurian)