The dispute has its foundation in the Werturteilsstreit in German sociology and economics around the question of whether or not the social sciences is a normative obligatory statement in politics and its measures applied in political actions, and whether or not their measures can be justified scientifically.
The Zweiter Werturteilsstreit is the debate between the supporter of the Kritische Theorie and the Kritischer Rationalismus during the 1960s — better known as Positivismusstreit.
John Dewey - Logik. Die Theorie der Forschung -, 1986 (Published in German 2002 as "Sozialforschung")
Dirk Kaesler - Einführung in das Studium Max Webers -, München 1979
Wolfgang Schluchter - Wertfreiheit und Verantwortungsethik -, Tübingen 1971