
unusual facts about Westminster City Council

Baby Gaga

Within a week of going on sale, the ice cream was seized by officers of Westminster Council to test whether it was suitable for human consumption.

Little Ben

Little Ben was manufactured, according to Pevsner, by Gillett & Johnston of Croydon, and was erected in 1892; removed from the site in 1964, and restored and re-erected in 1981 by Westminster City Council with sponsorship from Elf Aquitaine Ltd "offered as a gesture of Franco-British friendship".

Rough Sleepers Initiative

In the early 1980s it existed close to the River Thames at the London Embankment tube station and was closed as a rough sleepers site by Westminster City Council working with the voluntary sector so that the space used by rough sleepers could be upgraded into a retail shopping area.

The Inconvenience Committee

The Committee came into being as a direct response to Westminster City Council privatising the public lavatories around Parliament Square, a World Heritage Site and popular first stop for tourists visiting London.

Urban Eye

The charity has a strong record of forming partnerships with stakeholders (Transport for London, Metronet, Highways Agency, Land Securities and Kensington Housing Trust), public and private organisations (BBC, BT Group), and local authorities (Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster City Council, Suffolk County Council, London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham) to tackle regeneration schemes in run-down sites in the city.

Westminster cemeteries scandal

The Westminster cemeteries scandal was a British political scandal which began in January 1987 when Westminster City Council (WCC) sold three cemeteries, three lodges, one flat, a crematorium and over 12 acres of prime development land in London for a total of 85 pence.

see also