
3 unusual facts about Westrobothnian


This suggests that the farming settlers finally reaching Westrobothnia had little contact with southern Scandinavia during the Viking age, and most probably already by then had developed different lingual features, some of which are still preserved in some Westrobothnian dialects, particularly in the dialects spoken in Skellefteå and Bureå.

As such all forms of Westrobothnian are more or less related to the languages spoken in Jämtland and Ångermanland and to a smaller extent with the dialects spoken in the Swedish speaking Ostrobothnia.

The Kvens were then gradually assimilated into the Westrobothnian speaking society and the Finnish presence can be felt in the falling intonation of speakers from especially Luleå and Kalix, there are also several loan words of Finnish origin among the fishing terms used in dialects from Kalix to Byske.


Westrobothnian |

Kalix dialect

Kalix language is very much related to nearby languages/dialects westwards and southwards Råneå, Luleå, Piteå, Skellefteå, Umeå northwards Overkalix etc., basically mutually intelligible with Kalix language as they all are part of a broader Westrobothnian dialect continuum.

see also