
unusual facts about Whakatataare-o-te-rangi


According to Māori traditions, the waka Māhuhu-ki-te-rangi explored the upper reaches of the North Island north of the Kaipara harbour during early Māori settlement of New Zealand.


Navagunjara is also depicted in Ganjifa playing cards as the King card and Arjuna as the minister card, in parts of Orissa, mainly in Puri District and Ath-Rangi Sara in Ganjam District, Orissa.

Ngāti Porou

Well-known current or former members or affiliates of the tribe include Sir Āpirana Ngata,Herewaka Te-Rangi-Pai Potae, George Nepia, Quentin Bruce (Goldsmith) Koromete, Te Moana Nui a Kiwa Ngarimu VC, Witi Ihimaera, Parekura Horomia, John Tamihere (politician), Moana Jackson, Sofia Minson (artist), Wiremu Paraone Turei (the Anglican Bishop of Aotearoa) & Georgina Beyer

Norma Wilson

She then married Rangi Marsh, a jockey and lived in Hastings.

Rangi Heremaia

Rangi and Donna slept together however the two acknowledged the romance was wrong and Rangi had a brief fling with Caroline Buxton (Tandi Wright).

Rangi started to date fellow paramedic Donna Heka (Stephanie Tauevihi) but the romance was cut short following the revelation they were in fact siblings.

Tauranga Campaign

Ngāi Te Rangi chief Rawiri Puhirake taunted Carey in a letter, challenging him to fight, then in April 1864 moved closer to the British base to occupy to a new ridge-top position at Pukehinahina, a locality known to Europeans as "The Gate" because of the presence of a post-and-rail fence and gateway used by Māori to block Pākehā trespassers.

Te Aitanga-a-Hauiti

Local hapu and the Hauiti Ariki Whakatataare-o-te-rangi encountered the British explorer Captain James Cook in 1769; including Tupaia the Tahitian who accompanied Cook on his voyage around the pacific.

see also