The show's theme music was originally The Procession of the Sardar, by Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanov, a student of Rimsky-Korsakov.
What the Papers Say, long-running British television show (1956-2008)
The Pickwick Papers | Pentagon Papers | Federalist Papers | We All Had Doctors' Papers | The Pickwick Papers (film) | The Valachi Papers | Research Papers in Economics | Palestine Papers | What the Papers Say | The Valachi Papers (book) | The Poppykettle Papers | The Pickwick Papers (TV series) | The Pickwick Papers (TV series) | The Pickwick Papers (1985 television series) | The Pickwick Papers (1952 film) | The Pickwick Papers | The Pertwillaby Papers | The Aspern Papers | Nationalities Papers | Fraser Papers | Federalist papers | Cinema Papers | Bambu rolling papers | Annus Mirabilis papers | A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations |