There is also a Wiegand interface commonly used to transmit the data collected by a Wiegand sensor in a card reader.
The Wiegand interface is a de facto wiring standard which arose from the popularity of Wiegand effect card readers in the 1980s.
The sensor in such a system is often a "Wiegand wire", based on the Wiegand effect, discovered by John R. Wiegand.
interface | Graphical user interface | graphical user interface | User interface | Application programming interface | User interface design | user interface | Common Gateway Interface | application programming interface | Serial Peripheral Interface Bus | Graphics Device Interface | Application Programming Interface | Wiegand effect | Web Server Gateway Interface | Intelligent Platform Management Interface | Frank Wiegand | Command-line interface | command-line interface | Basic Rate Interface | Analog Display Services Interface | XML User Interface | Wiegand interface | WAN Interface Card | user interface design | Tiny Internet Interface | Thomas Wiegand | Theodor Wiegand | System V Interface Definition | Synchronous Serial Interface | Repository Open Service Interface Definition |