Jan Müller-Wieland (born 1966), German composer and conductor of classical music
Jan Müller-Wieland studied at the Musikhochschule Lübeck, composition with Friedhelm Döhl, double bass with Willi Beyer and conducting with Günther Behrens.
Christoph Martin Wieland | Wieland Wagner | Wieland | Wieland Speck | Jan Müller-Wieland |
In Wieland v Cyril Lord Carpets (1969) 3 AER 1006 the defendant's negligence caused an injury to the claimant's neck that necessitated the wearing of a surgical collar.
Schwan's bookstore and home were centers of literary life in Mannheim, where luminaries such as Lessing, Wieland, Herder, Goethe, Lenz, Schubart and Schiller were occasional visitors.
This was only possible because Wieland had some freedom because he had received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1927.
In 1941, Wieland isolated the toxin alpha-amanitin, the principal active agent of one of the world's most poisonous mushrooms Amanita phalloides.
The James Yates murders, a 1781 multiple homicide, the basis for the early American novel Wieland
His busts, of which there are more than one hundred, include seventeen colossal heads in the Walhalla, Ratisbon; Goethe, Wieland, and Fichte were modelled from life.
For years to come literary celebrities – e.g. Goethe, Wieland, the Schlegel brothers August and Friedrich, and Tieck — twice a week gather in her house.
Küng, H., Leisinger, K., Wieland, J. (2010): Manifesto Global Economic Ethic.
Steven Seagal played the role of 'Paul Wieland' with his best friend 'Craig' played my Martin Copping.
A further form of the community's name is also recorded, Wielandisdorf, which is based on a local legend about a blacksmith named Wieland (also known as Weyland in English) who, according to local lore, lived nearby.