
unusual facts about Wilburn


First found in Lincolnshire where they were Lords of the manor of Welborne and conjecturally descended from a Norman noble, Robert Malet, who was granted the church and mill by King William the Conqueror in 1066.


Robert Wilburn |

Barry Wilburn

Wilburn is the son of Olympic great, Margaret Matthews Wilburn and the father of Jordan and Dominique Wilburn, named for his two favorite NBA basketball players.

Newton Jasper Wilburn

Both his grandfather, Reuben Wilburn, and father, Louis Wilburn, fought for the Union during the Civil War despite the region's strong Confederate sympathy.

Tex Morton

He returned to Australia in 1959 with a Grand Ole Opry show, featuring Roy Acuff, the Wilburn Brothers and June Webb, but the show was not popular with Australian audiences and the tour had to be called off.

Wilburn Boat Company v. Fireman's Fund Insurance Company

Appellants J.F. Wilburn, J. H. Wilburn, and L. G. Wilburn and, The Wilburn Boat Company, and Oklahoma based corporation, obtained a marine insurance policy from the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company for liability coverage for fire among other things, of a vessel called the Wanderer.

see also