Willem Buiter of the London School of Economics has argued that DSGE models rely excessively on an assumption of complete markets, and are unable to describe the highly nonlinear dynamics of economic fluctuations, making training in 'state-of-the-art' macroeconomic modeling "a privately and socially costly waste of time and resources".
In July of 2013, Mees was arrested in New York on charges of stalking the head economist of Citibank, the also Dutch-born Willem Buiter.
" Professor Willem Buiter, Professor of political economy at the London School of Economics and former member of the UK Monetary Policy Committee, said: the Irish Government should have, in principle, gone for a good bank, not a bad bank.... The bad bank is always a bad idea because it means that the Government underwrites all the creditors and creates moral hazard."
They had two children, David Michael Alejandro, born on 22 February 1991 in Callao, Peru, and Elizabeth Lorca, born 6 August 1993 in Cochabamba, Bolivia.
Willem de Kooning | Willem Dafoe | Willem Blaeu | Willem Janszoon | Willem Mengelberg | Willem Roggeman | Herman Willem Daendels | Willem Drees | Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands | Willem van Otterloo | Willem Schouten | Willem Kloos | Willem Klein | Willem II (football club) | Willem II | Willem de Vlamingh | Willem Buiter | John Willem Gran | Willem Verstegen | Willem van Hoogstraten | Willem van Enckevoirt | Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen | Willem Sassen | Willem P.C. Stemmer | Willem Frederik Hermans | Willem C. Vis Moot | Willem B. Drees | Willem Abraham Wythoff | Pieter Willem Korthals | Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen |