
2 unusual facts about William Crawford Williamson

William Crawford Williamson

His father, John Williamson, after beginning life as a gardener, became a well-known local naturalist, who, in conjunction with William Bean, first explored the rich fossiliferous beds of the Yorkshire coast.

In botany, in addition to a memoir on the minute structure of Volvox (1852), his work on the structure of fossil plants established British palaeobotany on a scientific basis; Williamson ranks with Adolphe Theodore Brongniart as one of its founders.

Ray Society

During Charles Darwin's lifetime, the Ray Society published not only Darwin's two volumes on barnacles (1851 and 1853) but also the work of many of the foremost British naturalists: Thomas Henry Huxley, William Crawford Williamson, John Blackwall, Albert Günther, James Scott Bowerbank, etc.

see also