
unusual facts about William Daniel

William Daniel

William Barker Daniel (1754–1833), Church of England clergyman and writer on field sports

see also

Billy MacLeod

William Daniel MacLeod (born May 13, 1942 in Gloucester, Massachusetts) is a former relief pitcher in Major League Baseball who played briefly for the Boston Red Sox during the 1962 season.


Henry Conybeare (1823-c.1884), civil engineer, architect and son of William Daniel

Charles F. P. Conybeare (1860–1927), lawyer, businessman and poet, son of Henry and grandson of William Daniel

Frederick Cornwallis Conybeare (1856 – 1924) orientalist and grandson of William Daniel

William John Conybeare (1815-1857), theologian, first Principal of Liverpool College and son of William Daniel

Point of Honor

It was later owned by Judge William Daniel, Jr., father of United States Senator John Warwick Daniel, "the Lame Lion of Lynchburg." During and immediately after the Civil War it was owned and occupied by Colonel Robert L. Owen Sr., who was President of the Virginia and Tennessee Railroad, and whose son Robert Latham Owen Jr. later became a United States Senator.

W. D. Ehrhart

William Daniel Ehrhart (born September 30, 1948 in Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania) is an American poet, writer, scholar and Vietnam veteran.